Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy of Spesasicura Srl with registered office in Viale dei Misenati 50, 00122 Rome (Data Controller) aims to provide any clarification on the policy adopted by the same regarding the processing of personal data of users in relation to the services provided by Spesasicura through the website and through the App of the same.
This document is divided into two sections: a section for the Spesasicura online world and a section dedicated to the Spesasicura App.
Spesasicura takes seriously the protection of privacy, i.e. the confidentiality of the personal data of its users. The principles outlined below are the basis of the processing of users' personal data by Spesasicura.
Data will be collected only where necessary and in accordance with current legislation. Spesasicura will always provide clear information regarding the use that is made of your personal data and will always be transparent with users about the data that is collected, the use that is made of it, with whom it is shared and the office to contact for each request.
Spesasicura adopts all necessary measures to safeguard user data from misuse and to treat them securely, respecting all applicable laws and regulations to protect privacy, collaborating with the authorities responsible for the protection of personal data and acting, in any case, in accordance with the generally recognized principles relating to the protection of personal data.
At any time, you may exercise the rights referred to in art. 15 et seq. of EU Regulation 679/2016 including those to obtain from the owner access to personal data and the correction or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing that concerns you, or to oppose, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment, in addition to the right to data portability, by calling the telephone number or by sending an e-mail to the addresses indicated in the "contacts" section of the website or by contacting our Data Protection Officer, by writing to: . If you notice a violation of your rights, you can contact the competent supervisory authority pursuant to Article 77 of EU Regulation 679/2016.
Spesasicura will only collect, use or communicate users' personal data in full compliance with the law. In most cases, Spesasicura will ask you to explicitly express their consent; In some cases, it will be able to deduce the manifestation of their consent from their actions and behaviors adopted. Spesasicura may ask users to provide further consent, should they need to use their personal data for purposes not stated in this Privacy Policy. It is not mandatory to provide such consent, but in the absence of the same, the user's participation in specific activities may be precluded.
The processing operations connected to the services of the Website and the App take place at the aforementioned headquarters of the company Spesasicura Srl and are only handled by personnel in charge of processing, or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.
The data deriving from the Site or the App may be communicated to the technological and instrumental partners that the Data Controller uses for the provision of the services requested by users. The personal data provided by users who request information (sending informative material, answers to questions, etc.) or other communications (for example orders) are also made available to third parties appointed as Managers and used by them for the sole purpose of performing the service or provision requested and only if this is necessary for this purpose (provision of the services requested through the technological and instrumental partner).
"Personal data", in the context of this Privacy Policy, means information or fragments of information that could allow your identification. This typically includes information such as your name, address, username, e-mail address and telephone number, or other information such as your IP address, spending habits, preferences or information related to your lifestyle or hobbies and interests.
Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Website and the App acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow to identify the computers that connect to the site. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the Website, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's computer environment. These data could be made available to the judiciary and police forces to ascertain responsibility in case of offenses committed through the site or computer crimes against the site.
Data provided voluntarily by Users
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data to access specific services, or to make requests for information through the appropriate channels of the Site or App, involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's personal data included in the requests, necessary to respond to them. You can choose not to provide your data but, in this case, Spesasicura may not be able to satisfy all or part of the user's requests (eg registration to the site ).
Data relating to unregistered Users
The information generated by Users who visit the site without being registered yet (or, despite being registered, who do not have an active session), and used to allow the User optimal navigation of the website, for statistical analysis and for the personalization of content - including advertising - could be used by Spesasicura, at different times, to integrate the information provided by the User where they register.
Data of registered Users
Spesasicura uses technologies that allow it, thanks to the query of an ID (in alphanumeric form), to track the navigation of registered users who access the site from various browsers or different devices (eg computers, tablets, smartphones), in order to present to the same users products similar to those viewed or purchased, regardless of browser or device used from time to time.
When registered Users give their consent to the processing of their data for direct marketing purposes, Spesasicura may process the data relating to the operations and visualizations they perform on to inform them via e-mail of the fact that products they have included in the cart, but not yet purchased, are still available (allowing them to complete the purchase quickly and safely) or for offer them the same or similar products by e-mail (re-marketing). When registered Users give their consent to the processing of their data for profiling purposes, Spesasicura may process data relating to their consumption choices (i.e. object of purchases and amounts spent), to adapt as much as possible the commercial offer to their profile and their needs.
Dati relativi ai pagamenti
Per quanto riguarda i dati dei pagamenti, Spesasicura si limita soltanto a ricevere da società di pagamento digitale e dagli Istituti gestori dei pagamenti con carte di credito un’informazione di ritorno sullo status legato al pagamento (a buon fine/rifiutato). Tutti i dettagli sulla carta prepagata (come PayPal) o sulla carta di credito sono memorizzati dagli enti che gestiscono il relativo servizio, che non sono autorizzati ad utilizzare per altri scopi i dati personali ricevuti tramite .
Spesasicura potrà usare i dati personali degli utenti per esaminare l’uso del Sito, dei prodotti e servizi, analizzare l’efficacia delle nostre pubblicità, promozioni e concorsi, personalizzare l’esperienza sul sito e per esaminare (in forma anonima e aggregata) statistiche relative alle attività sul sito internet, semplificare l’uso all’interno dello stesso e meglio adattarlo agli interessi e scelte dell’utente, velocizzare le sue future attività ed esperienze sul sito, contattarlo in merito a prodotti e servizi che potrebbero interessarlo, se avrà conferito il suo consenso.
Spesasicura potrà usare i dati personali degli utenti per suggerire prodotti o servizi che possano interessarlo, offrirgli l’opportunità di partecipare a concorsi o promozioni. L’utente potrà rifiutarsi di ricevere comunicazioni da Spesasicura in qualunque momento. Ogni comunicazione di direct marketing che Spesasicura invia fornirà le informazioni e i mezzi necessari per il rifiuto stesso. I dati degli utenti potrebbero essere utilizzati per fornire prodotti o servizi che gli utenti richiedono.
In fase di registrazione l'utente può accettare o meno di ricevere nella mail indicata la newsletter contenete promozioni, segnalazione di nuvoi prodotti e/o segnalazioni in relazione alle proposte commerciali di spesasicura.
Finalità connesse ai servizi di base della App
Spesasicura mette a disposizione degli utenti questa App al fine di far visualizzare loro e salvare materiali informativi sugli articoli di loro interesse, scansionare i barcode dei prodotti per consultare le caratteristiche dei prodotti, creare e consultare liste di prodotti desiderati, gestire la loro registrazione e/o login a e dare esecuzione a loro eventuali ordini nonché a riconoscerle i punti del programma di fidelizzazione. Gli utenti sono liberi di fornire o meno i dati personali richiesti nel form di registrazione al sito dalla App. Qualora gli utenti siano già registrati a potranno effettuare il log-in con le credenziali già in loro possesso. In entrambi i casi, il conferimento dei dati è necessario per acquistare prodotti, accedere all'area riservata del sito, aggiungere prodotti alla Lista Spesa dei Desideri.
Registered users will have to make choices regarding the processing of data for direct marketing and profiling purposes submitted to them by Spesasicura and place Spesasicura in the need to identify them. Users have the freedom, at any time, to stop installing the App while it is in progress or to uninstall the App if they wish. Your e-mail address might be used for communications that
The Spesasicura App uses Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway - Mountain View - CA94043 USA, which makes use of an application usage data tracking solution called SDK to collect and analyze aggregate information relating to user navigation. Neither Spesasicura Srl nor Google associate your IP address with other data in their possession to identify you directly.
The information collected is processed by Google Analytics systems in order to produce reports for administrators, who use them to verify the correct functioning of the services and possibly the satisfaction rate of the proposed contents.
If you would like more information on the policies applied by Google Inc. regarding data privacy, you can click here.
Purposes related to value-added services of the App
If users want to access the service that allows them to identify through a map the points of sale affiliated to Spesasicura closest to them that have the availability of the product sought, they must consent to the processing of the related data (geolocation) by Spesasicura. Through geolocation, therefore, they can consult the availability of products of their interest in the chosen store and in the neighboring ones. The geolocation option is connected to the operating system of the user's device (smartphone, tablet).
Depending on your operating system:
- If iOS: geolocation will be enabled only if the user gives his consent to the manufacturer of the operating system of the iOS device, in the appropriate box that will appear. Even if the user has given consent, he can deactivate the option even temporarily, reactivating it through the settings of his device whenever he deems it appropriate.
- If Android: the user himself will activate it if and when he intends to use the value-added services described above. You can do this from the device settings. At any time, he can deactivate the option, even if only temporarily
Spesasicura does not use push notification technology.
Access to the camera is required for the sole purpose of reading the barcode, no images or photographs are captured or archived.
Access to some features of the Spesasicura website and the App and/or eligibility in relation to the receipt of prizes, vouchers or other rewards may be limited to underage users who are under the age defined by Spesasicura and indicated on a case-by-case basis in the App or in the Spesasicura digital channels. Spesasicura may use their personal data to perform checks on their age and enforce any age restrictions.
Roles and responsibilities related to processing
The processing of data will be carried out by persons in charge of the competent Functions of Spesasicura and possibly, for individual needs, by Suppliers appointed as external Data Processors, whose list is available from the Data Controller Spesasicura, with registered office in viale dei Misenati 50 - 00122 Rome.
Users' personal data may be communicated to judicial authorities and police forces only in cases where this is required by law and used by Spesasicura for the purpose of defending its rights in court where strictly necessary, while they will not be disseminated under any circumstances.